How to renew / reissue Indian passport after 10 years, in USA by post - BLS international

15 Oct

*** IMP Update:  Cox and Kings would be the knew service provider to Indian consulate after May 20th. If you can, wait for them to take over than submitting your application to BLS.

*** Update: 06/04 As per comments from many others it seems like BLS is still handling passport services so ignore the comment above

** Check the end of the post for issues related to BLS & USPS express packages

** Check comments for FAQ

 Have woken from my long siesta to share some info on the process of getting an Indian passport renewed while staying in USA.

Thought of writing this post to help others like me, who may want to get their Indian passports renewed while staying in USA and are faced with little or minimal how to on the Indian consulate site.

***As of May 2013   The Consulate General of India  outsourced the handling of Passport and related applications to M/s. BLS International Services Ltd [Earlier it was with Travisa]

Step 1: -  Visit the Indian consulate site at  [Check if another agency change has occured if not then the below is still valid info]

Step 2:- Visit the BLS International site at


Step 3:- Click on the Passport link / image.

Step 4:- Click on the Passport menu ->> Reissue of passport after 10 years


You will be re-directed to a page which has a lot of data about the process - general information, application centers, documents required etc etc.

Step 5:-Read through this page for an overview of the process then go to the Indian Passport application center section.

Indian consulate has divided various states into regions and they have 1 office catering to multiple states, please make sure you understand which application center you need to apply to as per the state / region you live in.  For me it was Chicago being in Indiana, click on the various application center's to understand which center you fall in.

Application centres as per regions

Step 6:-  Go through the entire page to make sure you understand the process and the documentations required. The details on this page are pretty straight forward and shouldn't be that hard to follow. I just had to get the passport reissued after 10 years hence my documentation requirement was pretty straight forward. Please check the page in detail as per your requirement.

Step 7: BLS needs you to fill an application form which can be found here

BLS Passport order form

In this form most of the fields are pretty self explanatory , will mention a few just for clarity

a) Location - This needs to be the passport application center and not the region you are located in.

b) Airway bill no : Provide the tracking number of your shipment, this is further used to track the package delivery on BLS website. This is provided in the receipt / slip that you will have from your shipping. Yeah its kind of confusing for some but basically we need to go and get the envelops from postal services [USPS / UPS / Fedex] prior to filling the forms.

[caption id="attachment_340" align="alignnone" width="300"]Shipping - Airway bill number Shipping - Airway bill number[/caption]

[Please read the section below on how to send the documents to BLS.]

c) Airway bill no [return envelope airway bill no] It is always a good idea to send BLS a self addressed return envelope. This provides 2 way tracking of the application. If your postal tracking shows dispatched that means BLS has processed your passport and its on the way. It sure helps to have a backup tracking mechanism.

BLS passport form 2d) Address to be printed on passport:- This should be the US address as you are living in US, some people have reported even if they entered their Indian address it went through on the passport. I had called BLS center to check on this , as per them it should be US address only, but many of my friends have also got their Indian addresses printed without providing any address proof.

e) Payment details:- Here we have to mention if its a demand draft / money order / cashiers check and the check number associated with it. Please note cashiers check is not same as the normal check we receive on opening the bank account

Once you save this form , you will get an email on the email address which was provided by you , that email contains 2 documents

1) BLS Form :- Take a print out of this form , it needs to be submitted along with your documents in the application envelope.

2) BLS shipping label:- This contains the mailing address for BLS and your application / case number - Make sure that you paste this label along with your shipping label on the form. This has a barcode which gets scanned on receipt at the BLS office and it updates the tracker.

Step 8:- Once you are done with the BLS Passport form, its time to fill another form :) The govt of India NRI passport application form located at

NRI Passport Application form

Before you start filling this form please note the following -

  • Once you submit this form, you cannot go back and edit the form, the only way to update the info on this form is to fill up another form.

  • If you are not sure of a few things in the form, do not submit. You can keep the form partially filled and fill later on based on the temporary application id received while filling the form. [check the image below for the location of temporary application id]

NRI passport application form

Select the appropriate Indian mission ie the application center and the type of service ie reissue of passport.

The only thing confusing in this form is "File number" required in the passport section. This information is available on the last page of your passport as shown in the image below.

Passport file number

Once done filling the rest of the information, click save and then print the form. In case you do not print the form, you can always go back and print the form with the web file number. Once you print the form, you will get a 3 page document which contains some of the fields pre- populated based on the info you just filled and some fields which you need to fill in now to complete the form.

Will mention some of the fields here for clarity.

  • Amount paid should match the total of the amount shown at the BLS passport form, you can combine the total amount ie passport service + BLS service + ICWF for me it was $91.20.

  • For delivery by mail ... should be NA since you are sending a self addressed envelope to BLS. In case you do not then you need to pay extra for them to ship the package to you.

  • Point # 10 : Education - People with Degree certificate etc fall under ECNR category. hence mention your education properly.

  • Point #11: When did the applicant first leave India - If you read the question properly it asks you the first time you left India not when did you leave india for this trip, hence in case, this is not your first trip out of India please mention the date of your first travel out side India. You can find the date on the passport pages stamped on the adjacent page by your visa.

  • Point #11: When was he / she last in India:- this should be the last time you left India if you haven't yet returned to India then this would be your departure date- check the passport again for the exact date.

  • Point #12: Total time outside India - This is the time from your last date in India till now.

  • Point#13: Present emigration status ie ECNR or ECR- this is available on the 2nd page of your passport.

  • Point #19: references - these can be anybody [other than family] even in India .

  • Point #22: No of lost/damaged passport:- Since this is reissue of passport only mention NA here. Mention NA in the next few points where appropriate.

  • Point #29: Sign in the boxes.

  • Passport photo needs to be attached to the form in the designated space, Along with this the "documents requirements" section on BLS site mentions send 2 more photos. When I had called the BLS helpline they asked me to staple an additional photo at the end of the form below the signatures. I stapled one there and added an additional one by attaching it to the form with a u-pin.

Step 9:-Nationality verification form  - Can be downloaded from

  • This form is pretty straightforward and doesn't require any clarification - Its the same information which we have filled in the earlier 2 forms.

  • The only confusing part here is in document requirements section they have mentioned take 3 copies of this form and in the checklist they have mentioned nationality form not forms. I got pretty confusing answers from people, after calling BLS they confirmed its 3 forms [no idea why] with 3 photos attached to them in the space provided.

**Tip: - We can either print this form and then write on it or we can type in the document and take a printout directly. I did the later, saved me time.

Step 10:- Documents required - what goes in the package 

  • BLS filled form print out.

  • NRI Passport Application form. [1 photo attached in the space on 1st page and 1 more at the end of the form below the signatures.]

  • 3 copies of national verification form [each form needs 1 photo attached to it in the designated space]

  • Photo copy of 1st 5 pages of passport. [Page numbers are mentioned on the passport in case you are confused.]

  • Photo copy of the last 2 pages of passport.

  • NOTARIZED Photocopy of the visa page in passport.

  • Notarized photocopy of address proof for USA - either of Electricity bill, Mobile bill, Gas bill , internet bill , driving license suffices here.

  • Optional: Photocopy of graduation / post graduation certificate Just to avoid any delays had attached photocopy of my Masters certificate.

  • Optional: Affidavit for change in appearance - I had got my passport in my college days and as I had my travel trip planned within a couple of months from application for renewal of passport, I didn't want to take the risk of any delays hence I had attached a change in appearance form along with the documents, its mentioned on the BLS site and can be located at the following location -

  • Passport [Don't forget this, its very easy to forget, also ensure you have removed the i94]

**** Tip: We can get the documents notarized at various locations in the city - banks, post office , mostly companies have a notary on their payroll too. Else the ones outside charge something around $7-$9 per document going up to a upper bar on the amount something like $20 irrespective of how many you notarize. If you have a bank account visit their branch they will do it for free.

Update 01/27: It seems Bank of America has stopped notarizing documents, PNC bank still continues to do so. Also read my comment below which has a link to diff places we can get notarization done.

**** TIPS ****

  1. Make a photocopy / scan important pages of your passport. Remember your passport identifies you as a valid Indian citizen.

  2. I have the habit of scanning any form I send, hence I have kept a scanned copy of all the forms , cashiers check etc sent for this application.

  3. Hand delivering the package doesn't add any value to the processing time, I had called and confirmed with BLS if it would help in speeding the processing time. Of course If you live in the same city might as well go and visit personally. For me it was a drive from Southern Indiana to Illinois and not worth the time.

  4. You have an option of sending the package via USPS / UPS / Fedex. I chose USPS as it was right next to my office and it provided Express overnight delivery at a good price $15 envelope and $19 for cardboard box as of 11 OCT 2013.

  5. Make sure while getting the envelope from post office , you take a printout of your document to make sure you can fit them in and don't have to fold them in.

  6. I took a cardboard envelope and a normal envelope for express shipping ie overnight shipping and put the self addressed shipping slip on the cardboard envelope and the TO BLS shipping slip on the normal envelope.

  7. While sending the documents , put them in the semi hard envelope [do not seal this] and then put the semi hard envelope inside the normal envelope which is addressed to BLS. [this gives your documents and passport the extra layer of protection].

  8. IMP info: I had shipped on Friday 11th and the package reached BLS office on 12th , as the office was closed on Saturday the delivery person took it back to the post office and left a notice for them. I had called USPS call center and then the local post office to make sure they redelivered to BLS. They had already planned to redeliver on 15th and the nice lady at the Chicago local post office went and checked to confirm if it had been sent out. I had explained the package contains imp documents ie passport etc to her.  Hence please time your package delivery accordingly, make sure it reaches them on a working day [Mon - Friday] and also take into account any holidays in the week to avoid wastage of days :)

  9. Photo --- Based on my friend's recommendations had visited CVS,  Wallgreens for getting a pic clicked, unfortunately I didn't find any of their service good. The camera used by them were old, i had my doubts it would work and also pics clicked by them sucked big time and did not follow the photo specifications specified by the consulate at all. [Remember its 2 X 2 like US pics and not the 3.5 or XXX we have back in India].

  10. I finally visited SAMS club and they had proper equipment and in the system they had a proper template which checked for the placement of eyes, chin, ear in the pic as per the specifications. The quality of the pics was too good. [This was in Columbus, Indiana maybe your luck might be better in your region]

  11. Passport photos can be clicked at post office too. [I found this out while finally sending the package, they charge a whopping $15 for 2 photos]

  12. Some people suggest online sites , which help you crop the photo in the passport photo specifications.-personally feel its nor worth the hassle and risk to save approximately $20 - $25 [unless you do not have a time constraint] but of course choice lies with you.

  13. Payment:- Payment modes allowed are Demand Draft, Money Order, Cashiers check. Cashiers check is usually free to bank's account holders check with your bank. Mine was PNC and they provided it free of cost to me.

  14. Copying and pasting from a reply to question as per suggestion by Keerti. 

BLS drops the packages in the drop box in their building. Unlike Fedex & UPS , USPS express packages need to be hand delivered in the post office to be considered as express mails [in spite of express mail packaging]. The express packages received via drop box get treated as normal mail and are processed as per the standard mail duration. I went through the same scenario during my application resulting in me running around USPS office and BLS/ consulate to track my missing passport.[BLS site claimed it was dispatched while USPS had no acknowledgement of receiving the parcel]

This was confirmed to me by USPS office / USPS pickup guy and they also told me they have repeatedly asked BLS not to drop express packages in drop box yet they do the same to save a few efforts [USPS office is 2 blocks away from BLS office]

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to track on USPS tracking site till it reaches a distribution center near your city. It took 3 days from Chicago to Columbus, IN. USPS showed no record of receipt of my passport till it reached Indy the reason being it gets acknowledged only at the distribution center, in my case Indy.BLS had dropped it on Monday and I collected it from Columbus USPS on Wednesday morning. Till Tuesday 8:00 PM USPS site showed no record of receiving the package.


Let me know if I missed adding any important info , would be happy to add more to this post.

**** Disclaimers ****

  • All the urls mentioned in the post are from BLS India website.

  • This is my understanding of the process and how I got my passport renewed, please make sure you visit their website and ensure the process has not changed since the date of this post.

Let me know your feedback on what is missing, what should be added etc

P.S: I had applied in the month of Oct 2013

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  1. Neha (WI)

    October 16, 2013 at 9:47 AM

    I was struggling in finding the details, thank you so much for this detailed post

  1. Samir

    October 16, 2013 at 1:25 PM

    Thanks man! In Step 8 - "The govt of India NRI passport application form" link isn't working, Can you correct the link.

  1. Shaunak Pandit

    October 16, 2013 at 1:38 PM

    Thanks Desiways.. hope it helps others :)

  1. Shaunak Pandit

    October 16, 2013 at 1:40 PM

    You are welcome Samir, hope it helped :) Actually thats the link BLS india has provided, it seems to be down from morning my time. Let me try to look up for another link if possible.

  1. Shaunak Pandit

    October 16, 2013 at 1:40 PM

    You are welcome Neha. Hope you get your new passport soon

  1. Shaunak Pandit

    October 16, 2013 at 1:42 PM

    Hey It started working again, I guess some issues on the server side or something...

  1. Mastanvali

    November 3, 2013 at 11:09 PM

    In the online application form #7 "Particulars of person to be intimated in the event of death or accident:" should be US address. My application returned as I mentioned India address. Please include this in the fields for clarity section. It might help others

  1. Ratan

    November 5, 2013 at 8:53 AM


    Thanks for the detailed information.

    Notarized Color photocopy of current valid US visa on passport - Is this required ? when we are sending the original passport which has US visa stamping on it? as it is given under documents required in BLS site.

    Please let me know.


  1. shanoor

    November 6, 2013 at 4:01 PM

    Did you just mail them the air waybill number/return shipping label for the return or did you include the return envelope with the return shipping label ??

  1. Ananda

    November 8, 2013 at 7:41 PM

    Hi Shaunak, Thanks for the info. I would like to know how to get an airbill number before shipping? When I went to the nearest USPS office, the lady said if she generates the airbill number then I have to ship it immediately. I cannot come back and ship it the next day or later that day.

  1. Shaunak Pandit

    November 9, 2013 at 12:39 PM

    Hi Shanoor,

    I had put in my pre - paid self addressed express mail return envelope along with my package I sent to them. If you do not, then you have to pay them for the courier and then get the airway bill number and ship it. I eliminated the middle step, that way reducing time in sending the documents back to me and also I can track the package as I already have the airway bill number than waiting for them to provide the one they sent.

    ~ Shaunak Pandit

  1. Shaunak Pandit

    November 9, 2013 at 12:52 PM

    Hi Ratan,

    You are welcome :)

    As per the BLS checklist its mandatory.I would recommend getting most of the documents notarized, Its always a good idea to be safe than sorry :) you can get the documents notarized free of cost at the branch where you bank. I know for a fact that BOA & PNC do it free of cost.

    ~ Shaunak Pandit

  1. Shaunak Pandit

    November 9, 2013 at 1:07 PM

    Hi Ananda,

    You are welcome :)

    From the statement "the lady said she generates the airbill number" I am guessing she misunderstood the type of service you wanted. Did you ask for the express mail overnight shipping? When I had asked the lady at the office gave me a pre-printed sticker which she stuck on the envelope.

    Ask her about the express mail/ overnight mail, if it helps take a printout out of the image I have in my post? or last but not least - explain the scenario that you need to have the airway bill number in the form before sending them over.

    Let me know how it goes.

    ~ Shaunak Pandit

  1. Shaunak Pandit

    November 9, 2013 at 1:18 PM

    Hey Mastanvali,

    Thank you for the info, though could you give more details?

    They have a 2 step process , step 1 BLS validates all the documents and information entered and then sends to consulate for processing else they return it back to sender for correcting.

    1) Do you know from which stage it was returned? how many days after it reached them might also help in guessing the stage if its not clear to you?
    2) What was the explanation give by them?
    3) Also how much time it took for them to send the new passport after you submitted the corrected form?
    4) Total time it took for you to get the passport? and month / year when you got this done?

    Asking these qts so that it would give an idea to readers of the post on how long it took for others.

    ~ Shaunak Pandit

  1. Mastanvali

    November 9, 2013 at 1:31 PM

    1. They updated the status next day they received.
    2. They returned the application along with passport on the 3rd day.
    3. Application returned after BLS verification.
    4. My application is still in process.
    5. One more comment they have given is to notarize my wife's passport in US as I submitted indian notarized copy as my wife is INDIA. When I called them they said to add cover letter stating the reason for not able to notarize the document in US Addressing Indian Consulate. As a safe side I sent 2 cover letters one addressing BLS and one to Indian Consulate.

  1. Shaunak Pandit

    November 18, 2013 at 1:59 PM

    Thank you for the update. Oh its still in process? When did you send them all the documents with cover letters ?

  1. Ratan

    November 19, 2013 at 9:59 AM

    Airway Bill no or Tracking number would be fine. I have taken a priority prepaid envelope from USPS and they gave me the tracking number and i have used the same while filling the form.

    I have sent my passport to Washington DC on November 6th, they received it on November 8th (Friday) and they shipped my new passport back on November 13th (Wednesday), i have received it on November 15th (Friday).

    It took 8 business days for me from the day i have sent the mail and the day i have received it.

    After receiving my old passport, BLS took only 4 Business days in my case to ship the new passport.

    You can save 2 more days if you use express shipping from USPS or overnight shipping from any service provider.

  1. Shaunak Pandit

    November 21, 2013 at 10:44 AM


    Thats nice to know, Chicago consulate is getting the passports printed in Delhi and hence there is considerable delays when we apply to Chicago consulate.

  1. seekingvindication

    November 30, 2013 at 9:27 PM

    Thanks for blogging this...great info. The BLS or the Consulate sites are not of great help, sadly. Any verdict on the "Address to be printed on Passport" ? Whether it should be a US or an Indian address? What has worked well for others? Would love to know.

  1. NB

    December 10, 2013 at 5:59 PM

    Hi! I sent my application for a renewal yesterday by USPS and the update says that they have left a notice for pickup at washington address as no authorized recepient was available. Strange! Now I do not know if if BLS is going to make the effort to pick it up from USPS? Have any of you experienced this before?

  1. Abhi

    December 18, 2013 at 4:28 PM

    Regarding Point11 - I've just downloaded the Nationality verification form. The Q states - "Date of leaving India" doesn't actually mention the if it was the first time you left India. I'm not sure if this Q has been updated since you applied for passport

  1. Sheshadri

    December 21, 2013 at 12:20 AM

    Hi Shaunak,

    Do we have to enclose 3 nationality verification forms compulsory for the re-issue of passport ? Please clarify?

  1. rehman

    December 30, 2013 at 4:36 PM

    hi Thanks for your guidance, im applying for reissue of passport , i live in atlanta and when i went to UPS and USPS to get prepaid envelope for passort return they are asked for from address to calculate price , im not sure from where our new passports come and what would be that address , Any suggestion is much appreciated.

  1. Iqbal Sidhu

    January 5, 2014 at 12:59 PM

    Hi Shaunak Pandit

    I have a question , Can we save BLS form and Passport Application form and print them later or we have to have a printer ready at the time of filling both forms.

    Thank You in Advance

    Iqbal Sidhu

  1. Shaunak Pandit

    January 9, 2014 at 4:04 PM

    Hi Rahaman,

    They have divided the states into regions and each consulate provides service to a number of states. I believe Atlanta has a consulate in the citry itself. Check this link for further details.

    P.S: Sorry about the delay in reply to your question, I was on vacation and just got back.


  1. Shaunak Pandit

    January 9, 2014 at 4:05 PM

    Hi Sheshadri,

    Yes we do, I also had the same doubt and I got it confirmed from the BLS person directly. I know it doesn't make sense why we need 3 copies of the same form :)

    P.S: Sorry about the delay in reply to your question, I was on vacation and just got back.


  1. Shaunak Pandit

    January 9, 2014 at 4:06 PM


    You are welcome :) I faced all these questions, hence thought of putting it in one place to help others.

    I have got my US address printed on the new passport, all I had to submit for the same was my electricity bill as proof. I could have submitted my license too but it had my previous apartments address.

    P.S: Sorry about the delay in reply to your question, I was on vacation and just got back.


  1. Shaunak Pandit

    January 9, 2014 at 4:08 PM


    I faced the same issue, my package went to them on a saturday and surprisingly they dont have a collection process in place inspite of so many packages coming to them. USPS would attempt an delivery within 2 days.

    P.S: Sorry about the delay in reply to your question, I was on vacation and just got back.


  1. Shaunak Pandit

    January 9, 2014 at 4:11 PM

    Hey Iqbal,

    I don't recall right now, but I remember for one of the forms we can save it as draft and later access the same using the application id they provide. Also the form can be downloaded as a pdf than directly printed.

    We can fill up multiple instances of the form as long as you use the correct number in the other form it doesn't matter how many you fill

    P.S: Sorry about the delay in reply to your question, I was on vacation and just got back.

  1. Shaunak Pandit

    January 9, 2014 at 4:19 PM

    Hi Abhi,

    The date is for the current visit not the first time you went out of India. They have the "Date of first time leaving India" in the passport application form.

    P.S: Sorry about the delay in reply to your question, I was on vacation and just got back.


  1. rehman

    January 9, 2014 at 10:49 PM

    hi Today i submitted my passport re issue app personally and they said they didnt need nationality verification forms at all as my passport didnt expire yet and they would need those forms when our passport expires. i will update you guys if i get any query or once i recieve my new passport .

  1. Iqbal Sidhu

    January 10, 2014 at 2:56 PM

    Hi Shaunak

    Thank you for your reply

  1. sid

    January 13, 2014 at 10:39 AM

    thank you very much.!

  1. sumit

    January 13, 2014 at 11:21 AM

    Any idea if they accept the fees in cash also?

  1. Sree

    January 13, 2014 at 11:23 AM

    Hi Shaunak,

    I have few questions on filling the Nationality Verification form, I do not have the details about when I am leaving to India, travel agent who has sent me here and I did not lose my passport. I am confused what should I fill in items 11,12 and 15 in the form.

    Thank you,

  1. Shaunak Pandit

    January 13, 2014 at 6:55 PM

    I think they require it in the formats they mentioned and not cash. Any specific reasons for cash? your bank should give you a cashiers check free of any charges. Atleast BOA and PNC do that.


  1. Shaunak Pandit

    January 13, 2014 at 7:05 PM

    Hi Sree

    Date of leaving India: This should be the date when you flew out of India and came abroad for this visit.
    Travel agent You can mention "Not applicable"
    Loss of passport You can mention "Not applicable"

    Let me know if I missed any?


  1. Sumit

    January 15, 2014 at 1:32 AM

    well I think if you opt for sending application by post you only have the options of paying by cashier check/money order but if you visit in person then they take cash as well.

  1. ankita

    January 15, 2014 at 12:34 PM


    great blog. lots of good info. BLS site is totally confusing. Hope you can help me with my query as well.

    I paid for returning passport via fedex using the link in the BLS passport order form. seems payment went to BLS and they sent me a receipt via email. though there is no airway bill number in there. so not sure how i can fill that up in the form. it seems like i can skip it as they are the one going to get the fedex package and sent my passport back. wanted to confirm if i can before i send it to avoid them sending my application back incase.


  1. Sree

    January 16, 2014 at 10:44 AM

    thank you Shaunak for the information.

  1. Sree

    January 16, 2014 at 10:47 AM

    Hi Shaunak,

    Is there a downloadable application form, the BLS site says its a online form and when I click the link it doesn't work.

  1. Shaunak Pandit

    January 16, 2014 at 7:34 PM

    Hi Sree,

    Check this site - for downloadable forms, the rest are online forms which are available in pdf format once we fill them online.


  1. Shaunak Pandit

    January 16, 2014 at 7:59 PM

    I am not sure if they do that as the total fees we pay is broken up into BLS Administrative fees and the passport re-issue fees which is paid to Indian consulate.

    Has anyone done that personally?


  1. Shaunak Pandit

    January 16, 2014 at 8:04 PM

    Hi Ankita,

    I am not sure I understand what you did? Do you mean to say you opted for the option of BLS shipping your passport back via their courier? If that is the case then they will put in the airway number once they send your passport. You might might to call them and confirm this as I had sent my own return envelope along with my package.

    P.S I totally agree with you they suck its pretty confusing and they dont bother on clearing doubts can always call them on the number provided on the BLS site they do answer the questions (if they know it)


  1. Sukhada

    January 18, 2014 at 2:40 PM


    Can i please know in whose name the money order is to be given? Do i send the money order in the envelope with all the documents itself?
    Also, I need to renew my passport as well as add my spouse's name, so the total fee will remain the same for reissuing a passport or it doubles?


  1. Shaunak Pandit

    January 19, 2014 at 2:18 PM

    Hi Sukhada,

    The money order is to be given in the name of "BLS International USA". Please do go through their site to ensure no changes have occurred.

    Also I had just done a normal reissue hence don't have any clue on adding spouse name. Please check their site mentioned above, hopefully it should have some details on the same.


  1. Sree

    January 20, 2014 at 10:23 AM

    Hi Shaunak,

    I went to bank of america to notarize the documents but they refused to do so. They mentioned that the banks never do document notarization ( esp docs with photo id's ), they just do signature notarization's. I tried going to 4 different branches but everyone same answer.

    Now, I am looking to get it notarized at UPS.

    Just curious if it is the documents that need to be notarized or its different because your information says you did notarization at the bank.

    Thank you for all the information, its really helpful plus saves lot of time.

  1. Ata abdul

    January 21, 2014 at 11:33 PM


    Your is the best post on the passport renewal procedure in USA. I re posted it on my FB page and also with my fellow students.

    Thank you

  1. Shaunak Pandit

    January 21, 2014 at 11:51 PM

    Hi Sree,

    I got my documents notarized from PNC bank in Indiana. my friend had got his done from BOA too. As long as you have a bank account with them they should be able to do it since every bank (usually) has an employee who is a notary.

    Did you check with them if they had a notary in there?


  1. Shaunak Pandit

    January 21, 2014 at 11:53 PM

    Thank you for the appreciation am glad it helped :) When I applied for my passport re-issue I was super confused and hence thought of documenting the info I gained here .

  1. Abhi

    January 22, 2014 at 12:00 AM

    "NRI Passport Application form. [1 photo attached in the space on 1st page and 1 more at the end of the form below the signatures.] "

    @Shaunak - I do not see an option to paste another photograph at the end of this application. Can somebody else please confirm?

  1. Shaunak Pandit

    January 22, 2014 at 1:06 AM

    Hi Abhi,

    As confirmed by the BLS representative I had stapled the photo on the last page.


  1. Ananda Roy

    January 22, 2014 at 9:04 AM

    Hi Sree,

    Bank of America refused to notarize documents for my case as well and they said they can only notarize signature. So it didn't help. Then I went to US Bank asking to notarize my signature on each page of the requisite documents and above the signature, I wrote "This is a true copy of my xxx". All the writing & signature needs to be done in front of the notary. Hope this helps.


  1. Shaunak Pandit

    January 23, 2014 at 9:56 AM

    Hi Sree,

    Here are some more options.


  1. Sree

    January 24, 2014 at 9:13 AM

    Thank you Shaunak, I am trying to get the documents notarize at my office as the bank no longer does it. I will look into the links to see if it makes the process quick.

  1. Sree

    January 24, 2014 at 9:17 AM

    Thank you Ananda, yeah they told me the same that they only notarize signatures not documents. I am trying to reach BLS customer service to find out if its valid to get the signature notarized but pathetic call center I have been trying to reach them last 5 days not even once my call was answered. Every time I called it went to voice mail. So I decided to do it outside as I don't want to take any chances of getting my application return back with this query.

    Did they accept your documents with the signature notary ?...where did you apply for the renewal.

  1. Shaunak Pandit

    January 24, 2014 at 1:00 PM

    That is the best option, offices too have notary on their payroll [usually].

  1. Ananda

    January 24, 2014 at 1:09 PM

    Yes for me they accepted that signature notary. And above the signature i have written "This is a true copy of my xxx". I have sent it to Chicago consulate around 20-Nov-2013 and got back the new one around 26-DEC-2013.

  1. Sheshadri

    January 26, 2014 at 11:01 PM

    Hi All its waste of time to go to Bank of Americal for your documents notorization, because few weeks back I too went for notarization but the notary personal refused to notarize documents like passport, driving license etc and showed me a email which she received from their compliance team.
    So heed my advice and go to any UPS store for notarization.


  1. Prakash Guduru

    January 27, 2014 at 9:56 AM

    Hi Shaunak,

    Thank you for the information you have provided in your post. I have a question regarding the proof of residence. My wife does not have a driving license or mentioned in the lease document (so no utility bill would include her name). Will the State ID suffice for proof of residence ?


  1. Shaunak Pandit

    January 27, 2014 at 6:00 PM

    Hi Prakash,

    State Id is a valid government ID proof and if it has the residence address it should be good enough. Please confirm with BLS once.


  1. Sree

    January 28, 2014 at 2:30 PM

    Hi All,

    Even in UPS or office or any other place, people are doing signature notary not document notary. I struggled for almost 2 weeks to get the documents notarized, every place I went they refused to do document notary and giving only the signature notary option.

    About the BLS call center, I really doubt anyone working there. I never got my call neither answered nor responded back to my message. Pathetic procedures, I wish there is a way to send feedback to BLS about their service to help them improve.

  1. Sree

    January 28, 2014 at 2:31 PM

    Thanks Ananda, I ended up doing the same as no one does document notary. I sent to Washington consulate, hope there wont be any issue.

  1. siva

    January 29, 2014 at 8:57 PM

    hI, Can you please tell me, where exactly does the BLS shipping label go? Is it on FEDEX envelope or inside ?

  1. shaunak saha

    January 31, 2014 at 12:29 AM


    In my case the VISA on the passport has expired. I have the new 797 Approval notice with I-94 on it.
    My passport is getting expired on Jan 2014. I am confused on the "no status affidavit" point in the BLS site where it says:

    "If your visa has expired and/or or you have the receipt notice for extension of your visa then: NYC, SFO & HOU Jurisdiction Applicants - must provide a notarized no status affidavit with photocopy of the valid passport and the green card of two witnesses duly notarized + 7 Copies of Nationality Verification Form (Given in Point 2 above) are required and each copy must have an original photograph affixed on it."

    Do i need to send this form in my case?


  1. Jay

    February 4, 2014 at 12:28 PM

    Hi ,
    I recently got married and I am adding my husband's name onto my passport and also changing my last name to my husbands name. My question is, when I fill out the BLS order form and the online application form and the nationality verification form, what last name should I enter in all of the 3 forms? My assumption is, in the BLS order form and nationality verification form I write my maiden name, but in the online application form I enter my married name as that is how I want it to appear in the new reissued passport and also Im providing notarized documents to match the data. Is this correct?
    Thank you.

  1. jk

    February 4, 2014 at 6:53 PM

    how many photo copies in total are required?

  1. Shaunak Pandit

    February 5, 2014 at 12:51 PM

    Am sorry but don't have info on the spouse change process.

    try calling BLS to get confirmation +13129945682

  1. Ashraf

    February 6, 2014 at 4:54 PM

    Hi Shaunak,

    I am new to USA . I have a question regarding Airway bill no.
    You said like we need to get the envelops before filling the form.
    1. Should we just ask for the envelops from the post office.? How should we deliver them?
    2. Did you put the carboard envelop into the normal one?

    How many total photos are required?

  1. Ramesh

    February 6, 2014 at 6:44 PM

    Hi ,

    I have applied my kids passport renewals on Jan 17th and send applications and documents through UPS. They sent back applications for missing documents , then I sent again application form with additional documents on 01/27/014 they recieved on 01/29/2014. Till now I didn't see any updates still status showing as " Sent Back" . I sent to Newyork BLS office. I am not able to reach them on phone also. I am in trouble I guess.

    How to contact them?

  1. jenny

    February 7, 2014 at 9:03 AM


    My mom (she is 56) is applying to reissue her passport, but she does not have any type of bills under her name or a driver's license. All she has is a State ID which shows her current address. Is that okay to be notarized and show as a proof of residence?

  1. Shaunak Pandit

    February 7, 2014 at 10:22 AM

    Hi Jenny,

    Yes, all they care about is some proof of current residence. State ID's are government issued IDs and would work. To be on safer side you might want to put a note mentioning the same or send utility bill which might be in your name.

    Chicago BLS # +13129945682 in case you want to confirm with them once?


  1. Shaunak Pandit

    February 7, 2014 at 10:36 AM

    Hey Ashraf,

    Welcome to America!

    1) Yes we need to provide the airway bill # in the form, this is used for tracking our documents via the tracking link. I had visited USPS and asked her for the same , she told me she can't give beforehand . I had to explain the case about airway bill # in form etc and then got to take the envelopes. She had given me the idea of cardboard and normal envelope

    2) Yes. I put my docs in the cardboard enevelope which was addressed to me. Kept it unsealed and put it in the envelope addressed to BLS which of course was sealed :) Just to provide an extra layer of protection.

    3) 2 Photos for the application form.
    3 photos national verification form: - 1 photo per form [someone has commented the NV form is only required if the passport has expired, but at my time OCT'13 BLS had confirmed they require 3 different copies of the form] try calling them up on +13129945682 to verify. This is their chicago office number.

    I hope I didn't miss the count for photos, just verify from the points in my post.


  1. Shaunak Pandit

    February 7, 2014 at 10:42 AM

    Hi Ramesh,

    As per the experience of me and my friends, BLS does not update their site with status. [Not sure why they even call it a tracking link!!] In my case till the time I received my passport it just showed "At consulate for processing"

    Having said that, your case is different, they should have at least acknowledge receipt of the package the 2nd time. I would recommend bombarding them constantly with phone calls. Try the Chicago consulate number +13129945682 and try to get their NY office number.
    Also keep calling them on the BLS number given on their site- it goes to a call center but you can ask them to escalate your complaint and then you would get a call from the actual BLS office in your region.


  1. Shivarama Shetty

    February 7, 2014 at 4:24 PM

    Hi Shaunak,

    BLS mandatory document list says we should have Notoroized No status Affidavit if VISA is expired/Pending. In my case its expired, But I have I-797/I-94 valid for next 2.5 years. Do you think I need to get the No status Affidavit or just notorized I-797/I-94 is sufficient ?

    Thnaks in advance

    Thanks & Regards,

  1. Jomon

    February 8, 2014 at 6:30 PM

    Hi Shaunak
    Thanks for the information. I have a doubt. In the BLS site it is said that a valid return shipping label is required. What is this? (I am new to US). Is this something additional to the prepaid self addressed express mail return envelope? Where do get this from?


  1. Sree

    February 10, 2014 at 12:16 PM

    Hi Jay,

    Marriage certificate with the name changes and your husband passport pages copies has to be sent, dont forget to get them notarized. Last week we applied for my husband passport renewal and we sent these docs to add my name. Everything was accepted and we got the new passport.

    Thank you,

  1. Abhinav

    February 10, 2014 at 1:44 PM

    Thank you Shaunak. It is very up to date post. I am sure this helps a lot of guys out there as it has helped me.
    I had question regarding the address I need to put in the passport during re issue. My current passport has my Indian permanent address and you have clearly specified I need to put a US address. However at present I live in a leased apartment and hence I have a rental address which might change as my job location changes in future. As the passport has a validity of 10 years, I am not sure if I need to put my rental address in my passport for next 10 years.
    Sorry if I have missed something similar in the comments above.

  1. Rohit Sharma

    February 11, 2014 at 8:03 AM

    Hi Shaunak,

    What will come under "Address to be printed" column within Online NRI Application form? Will it be the US address or India address? If US address then do we need to specify India address anywhere?

  1. mahesh

    February 15, 2014 at 11:40 AM

    Hi Shaunak Pandit,

    Question 1: In below web site it says that "7. Please give Indian address in the field “Address to be printed in Passport”." please clarify, where as other websites says to have US address.

    Question 2: My & spouse passport has indian address printed (last 2 years back renewed), now need to renew my daughter passport. Read in some posts that we have to give US address under 'Address to be printed', my question is we are planning to go to india for vacation and get the visa stamp. During this time my & spouse will have Indian address on the passport where as my kid's passport will have US address would this create any issue. please clarify the question


  1. Shaunak Pandit

    February 17, 2014 at 12:20 PM

    Hi Abhinav,

    Thank you :)

    In the form there is a field "Address to be printed" - there you can mention the Indian address if you want Indian address to be printed there.
    We do need to provide address proof for US address, but can specify which address is to be printed.

    Hope this helps.


  1. Shaunak Pandit

    February 17, 2014 at 12:21 PM

    Hi Rohit,

    Its your choice, you can either have your Indian address printed in there or the US address.
    I guess the permanent address would be Indian address if you decide to print your US address.


  1. Shaunak Pandit

    February 17, 2014 at 1:27 PM

    Hi Mahesh,

    Regarding Q1: - Not sure about the other website, but am sure we can get either of the addresses printed on our passport. Some of my friends continued their Indian address while I got my US address printed.
    They have 2 different fields and whichever address we mention in "address to be printed" field would be printed on your passport. Of course needless to say if you are giving an address other than the one already present in your passport, you would have to provide address proof.

    Regarding Q2: I would not be able to confirm this, you might want to check with BLS directly. I am assuming your kid is born here and hence the passport has US address, in such a case I don't think you should face issues at visa stamping. But of course this is just y opinion and I may be wrong. So please get it verified from BLS. I have provided the direct BLS contact number [not the call center one] in one of my replies to a question here recently . Please call them to verify.


  1. Barkat

    February 18, 2014 at 3:50 PM

    Thank you for a very informative article about your experience. I do have one question. I filled out my BLS online form and I did receive an email but it just had the shipping label but no BLS form. How do I go about for a copy of BLS form? Thanks for your help.


  1. svr

    February 18, 2014 at 5:39 PM

    On the Envelope Cover

    1. Shipping Label ( Obtained as an attachment in mail after completing the online order form)
    2. Email Address
    3. Mobile No.

    Documents inside the Envelope Cover

    1. Copy of the filled BLS Order Form
    2. Dully filled & signed checklist
    3. Online application form duly filled and signed by the applicant
    4. 3 copies of printed and filled Nationality Verification Form/ Personal Particulars form & 3 photographs for personal particular form
    5. Three recent color passport size (2in x 2in) photographs
    6. Old passport in original
    7. Photocopies of first 5 pages and last two pages of your current passport
    8. Notarized Color photocopy of current valid US visa on passport
    9. Notarized Photocopy of a residential proof of the applicant (Driver’s License, State ID, Utility bill or Rental Lease agreement)

    Documents to Print

    1. Copy of the filled BLS Order Form
    2. Dully filled & signed checklist
    3. Online application form duly filled and signed by the applicant
    4. 3 copies of printed and filled Nationality Verification Form/ Personal Particulars form

    Documents to Photocopy

    1. Photocopies of first 5 pages and last two pages of your current passport
    2. Color photocopy of current valid US visa on passport
    3. Photocopy of a residential proof of the applicant

    Documents to be Notarized

    1. Notarized Color photocopy of current valid US visa on passport
    2. Notarized Photocopy of a residential proof of the applicant

    Cashier's Cheque

    Hope this will be helpful.

  1. Karthik

    February 18, 2014 at 11:14 PM

    Awesome Post Thank you Very Much ..God Bless

  1. Raghunath

    February 19, 2014 at 11:56 AM

    Hi Ankita,

    Can you please let me know whether you skipped the airway bill number section since you have used the link in the BLS passport order form for deliver through fedex. i have used the same link and paid the amount and received transaction reference through email.

  1. Chocks

    February 19, 2014 at 1:24 PM

    Amazing post that helped me in Oct 2013 to complete renewal with absolutely no issues. Thank you so much for posting this.

  1. Prakash Guduru

    February 22, 2014 at 11:41 AM

    Thank you Shaunak.
    I see that State ID can also be used as a proof of residence according to the BLS website.

  1. Nanda

    February 24, 2014 at 4:12 PM

    My passport & my child's passport are up for renewal. Can I send both the applications together?

  1. Prakash Guduru

    February 25, 2014 at 10:15 PM

    Hi shaunak,

    What should we answer for "How long has applicant continuously stayed abroad" (in application form) and "Period of Stay Abroad" (in Nationality verification form) ?. Do we have to consider the dates right from the first time we entered US or since the last entry into US ?

  1. srijith

    February 25, 2014 at 10:51 PM

    Thank you Shaunak ! it was very helpful .. fingers crossed ;)

  1. ashisha1

    February 28, 2014 at 12:55 PM

    Very informative: I had sent my application on 11th Feb. They approved and processed within 2 weeks and on 24th Feb they dispatched my new passport. – Found this one quick and cheap option (they game me 8 pics for 11 bucks, picked up at local walmart). Thanks for your help Shounak

  1. Shaunak Pandit

    February 28, 2014 at 12:57 PM

    For "How long has applicant continuously stayed abroad" it should be the duration since the date when you came to US the latest not the 1st time you came to US.

    e.g if you have come to US in 2007 and then now you are back in 2012 then the duration calculated would be from 2012 not 2007


  1. Shaunak Pandit

    February 28, 2014 at 12:59 PM

    Hi Nanda,

    I am not sure about that, you should call BLS to verify.
    Ideally it should be 2 separate packages considering its 2 individuals. But since its your child it can be different.
    Best if to call them and check I have provided their number in reply to one of the comments.


  1. Shaunak Pandit

    February 28, 2014 at 12:59 PM

    Thank you Ashish for the details on passport pic :) and you are welcome :)


  1. Shaunak Pandit

    February 28, 2014 at 1:24 PM

    Thank you Srijith. You should get it soon , they have improved the process it seems. :)

  1. Shaunak Pandit

    February 28, 2014 at 1:25 PM

    Hey Prakash,

    It would be the duration from your last entry to US till date
    and not the duration from the first time.


  1. Abhi

    February 28, 2014 at 1:27 PM

    @Shaunak - Thanks a lot. I received my passport without any glitches all thanks to your blog.

    They should make this blog a sticky on BLS site :D

  1. Swetha

    February 28, 2014 at 10:12 PM

    Boss awsome.....great help...would come and leave a comment after I do it tomorrow successfully....but before applying it even I really appreciate...and my luck for finding ur article at proper time

  1. Ram

    March 3, 2014 at 6:13 PM

    very informative. I have a quick question. I am applying for re-issue of passport and while filling up the application .. I came across marital status and spouse name.

    my questions are -

    1.I am recently married and if i select married its prompting me to enter spouse name as must. but confusion is my spouse name has mainden name in her passport and want to change her passport in future with my surname. but when i am filling now i need to mention my wifes name with her maiden name or i need to fill up as per marriage certificate?
    marriage certificate clearly says - {.......}- before marriage and {******} - after marriage which is her name with my surname. which way i need to fill up.
    2. if i fillup the application as single it doesnt prompt for spouse name, so if i fillup my application as single, does it matter anywhere in the newly issued passport ?
    why i want to fillup as single is - to avoid the spouse name in my passport with her maiden name confusion. when i change her passport later.
    does anywhere passport tells you married or single?

    please suggest.

  1. Gerard

    March 3, 2014 at 7:59 PM

    Reposting as comment is awaiting moderation.

    Hi Shaunak,

    Wow! A well written blog with helpful tips. I’m about to apply for renewal and had some questions that are confusing me.

    What should be filled for the following questions:
    1. In the Nationality Verification Form, following fields have to be filled:
    a.) Date of leaving India – Should this be the most recent departure out of India to US?
    b.) Period of stay abroad – Should this be the time from my most recent entry into US till date or total accumulated time of stay outside India?

    2. In the main passport application form, there are these questions again:
    a.) When did applicant first leave India? Should this be the first time I ever traveled anywhere outside India or the first time I came to US and became NRI?
    b.) How long has applicant continuously resided abroad?

    I traveled to other countries (in 2005) on work before coming to USA for the first time in July 2006 . I traveled many times between US and India on work during 2006-09 through my employer based in India. These were short visits\stays in US. In 2010 I moved to US on work and settled here for good. Since then I’ve traveled twice to India on vacation with my most recent trip being in Jan 2014.

    How should I answer those questions based on my above travel details? Would really appreciate if you could help me out here.

    Thanks in advance.

  1. Vinod

    March 4, 2014 at 12:04 AM

    Hi Shaunak,
    Thanks for this blog , very helpful indeed. I have a question about section 14 in Nationality verification form (Address of 2 relatives or friends) which should be different from section 8. Is it mandatory to fill this part with contacts and address of two set of people.
    Appreciate if you have any advice and thanks in advance for your response.

  1. Shaunak Pandit

    March 5, 2014 at 10:01 AM

    Hi Vinod,

    Thank you :), yes it seems to be mandatory. you can fill in anyones name there. I put my friends / neighbors address in there


  1. Shaunak Pandit

    March 5, 2014 at 10:03 AM

    Thank you Swetha :) Hope it went through

  1. Shaunak Pandit

    March 5, 2014 at 10:05 AM

    Glad to know that Abhi! :) Could you please let us know the date of submission and when you received it back? It might help others gauge the time taken these days.

    hahaha am sure I am on their blacklist right now ;) I had a horrid experience with them


  1. Shaunak Pandit

    March 5, 2014 at 10:08 AM

    Hey Gerard,

    Sorry about that , not sure why your earlier comment didn't show up in my moderation list [need that as people start posting links to home based jobs and what not :)) ]

    I am sure I have answered all these questions in other peoples comments/ qts could you please check them, it should suffice to clarify your doubts.


  1. Shaunak Pandit

    March 5, 2014 at 10:10 AM

    On top of the enevelope


  1. Shaunak Pandit

    March 5, 2014 at 10:11 AM

    Hi Shivarama,

    Sorry I have no idea on that, please check with BLS.


  1. Shaunak Pandit

    March 5, 2014 at 10:13 AM

    Hi Jomon,

    Not sure which point you are mentioning, but if its just the return label then yes the prepaid self addressed mail return envelope should be good. But if you are refering to the BLS shipping label [emailed to you once you submit their form] , then it needs to be pasted on top of the envelope.

  1. Shaunak Pandit

    March 5, 2014 at 11:06 AM

    Hi Ram,

    Am sorry don't have a clue on it. Plz check with BLS on this


  1. Rajat

    March 5, 2014 at 3:33 PM

    Hi..great stuff!

    do you or anyone else know whether I should enclose original I-20 form or the photocopy? If photocopy, then should it be notarized? Any experience with it?


  1. Ram

    March 5, 2014 at 5:21 PM

    I have tried calling 30-40 times a day but no one is picking up and i have also emailed the escalation email mentioned but they are replying with bls links which has no proper information for this kind of questions. is there any other way i can clear my doubts?

    pls help.

  1. Malar

    March 6, 2014 at 1:49 PM


    Very neat and detailed info.thanks a lot.

    I have problem with Nationality verification form downloaded from the website,like photo box in the right side corner and there is no line near Full name column.

    What i need to do,can i fill up this form or need to change.

    Please advice me on that

  1. Shaunak Pandit

    March 7, 2014 at 10:03 AM

    Hey Ram,

    Did you try calling them on the number provided by them on their site or the BLS number I have provided in one of the comments below?
    The number on their site belongs to call centre while the number I have given is for Chicago office


  1. Shaunak Pandit

    March 7, 2014 at 10:06 AM

    Hi Malar,

    Thank you :) Glad it helps.

    Regarding the form, it might have been some error try downloading the form again. Usually the form does have an outline for the photo and a line on top which we write down the details requested.


  1. Gerard

    March 7, 2014 at 10:46 AM

    Hi Shaunak,

    Reposting again. Awaiting moderation.

    Based on your post and other comments – this is what I think i’ll fill in my case:
    In Nationality form:
    a.) Date of leaving India – Jan 2014 (my most recent visit to India)
    b.) Period of stay abroad – 2 months

    In main form:
    a.) When did applicant first leave India? – I’ll put 2005 date when I went out of India for the first time.
    b.) How long has applicant continuously resided abroad? – I still don’t know how to answer this correctly. I checked the entire blog\comments and there is no mention of this question. I’m thinking this should be 4 years in my case counting from 2010 but then I’m worried about inconsistency in answers b\w the two forms! Can you clarify this please?

    Additionally, In the change in appearance affidavit:
    I, ________________________________________________________Son/wife/daughter of
    _____________________________________, resident of __________________________________
    holder of passport no. _________________issued on ___________________at _________________
    hereby affirm and declare as under:-
    1. that I have taken off my turban
    2. that I have taken off my beard
    3. that my appearance has changed
    4. my present appearance is as under; and
    5. photograph on the passport and photograph pasted below are of one and the same person.
    Q: Do I need to tick the applicable points or just leave those as is? For the “resident of” line do I put US address or India?

    Lastly, In my old passport my mother’s name was spelled incorrectly. I had the correction endorsed on the 3rd page of the passport.
    Question is would they put the correct spelling on the new passport based on what is entered on the passport form? Do I need to provide any proof for this or the endorsed page will serve as proof for the same?

    Sorry for asking so many questions, would really appreciate your response.

  1. Rohit Sharma

    March 7, 2014 at 1:43 PM


    You can fill the passport details as "Single/Unmarried". This is the same way I did for my wife and got her newly issued passport 3 days back. However, if you want to fill as "Married" then provide the details of your spouse as per the Marriage Certificate and attach the same. Hope it helps


  1. Piyansh Gupta

    March 7, 2014 at 2:13 PM

    Hello Shaunak,

    Thank you so much. Great work. I have to renew my passport and the BLS website is so confusing but this post has helped me a lot. There is still one question that I have.

    One of the documents that are being asked is Old passport in original and photocopies of the current passport. I do not understand what is the difference. My passport is expiring in June and I fall under Chicago jurisdiction. Do I really have to send them my original passport along with other documents.


  1. Shaunak Pandit

    March 7, 2014 at 4:31 PM

    Hi Piyansh,

    Glad it helped :)

    Yes for reasons best known to them, they need the old passport as well as photocopies [xerox] of those passport pages to be sent.

    I have maintained a scanned version of important documents, hence I just took a printout of those pages.



  1. Shaunak Pandit

    March 7, 2014 at 4:34 PM

    Hi Rajat,

    Sorry don't know what I-20 form is? are you referring to the student visa form? If so it would be a good thing to provide them with documents which might help expedite the process.

    Someone else have experience with the I-20 form please reply to Rajat



  1. Shaunak Pandit

    March 7, 2014 at 4:45 PM

    Hi Shaunak,

    It does help in sending whatever documents you may have which would expedite the process. Its always better to flood them with documents than get a hold on processing time because they require some more documents from you.

    Having said that I won't be able to comment on if that form is required or not. Best is to call them up on the number I have provided in one of the comments above

    Sorry couldn't be of much help, hope someone else here can comment and tell you


  1. Shaunak Pandit

    March 7, 2014 at 4:57 PM

    Hi Gerard,

    No problem about the list of questions, the BLS form is indeed confusing :) Just would appreciate a little patience [referring to the repeated comments in moderation list :) I do try to get to the pending comments every now and then but it does get difficult to reply every day to comments considering my work and other activities. Just explaining my side am ok with the list of questions and glad can help :)

    Alrighty! lets get to your questions :)

    In Nationality form:
    a.) Date of leaving India – Jan 2014 (my most recent visit to India) SP - Yes, that is correct
    b.) Period of stay abroad – 2 months SP - Yes, that is correct

    In main form:
    a.) When did applicant first leave India? – I’ll put 2005 date when I went out of India for the first time. SP - Yes, that is correct
    b.) How long has applicant continuously resided abroad? – I still don’t know how to answer this correctly. I checked the entire blog\comments and there is no mention of this question. I’m thinking this should be 4 years in my case counting from 2010 but then I’m worried about inconsistency in answers b\w the two forms! Can you clarify this please? SP - My case was pretty clear as I was planning a trip after getting the passport. Some of them have given the time after coming back from the trip till date while some have skipped the trip time and given the duration since last departure from India. In my opinion it should be the last duration which in your case would be Jan 2014 - Mar 2014.
    I remember there was someone else asking me the same question due to being in similar situation as you, try commenting on his/her comment to see if they can provide a confirmation.

  1. Piyansh Gupta

    March 7, 2014 at 6:10 PM

    But is it safe to send the original passport? As that is the only ID proof I have in the US. And will the photocopies and printouts of passport will be enough for the next two months stay (time required for renewal as mentioned).

  1. Piyansh Gupta

    March 7, 2014 at 6:14 PM

    And what is he difference when they say old passport and current passport. Sorry to send so many messages but I just want to clear a doubt as I am really unwilling to send the only ID proof I have as of now.

  1. Shaunak Pandit

    March 7, 2014 at 7:16 PM

    Hey Piyansh,

    Totally understandable :) but they need to have the original document with them to ensure the photocopies you send match and also once your new passport is printed they stamp passport cancelled on the older one.

    As long as you have a state id [License or state Id from your BMV/DMV] you are fine


  1. Shaunak Pandit

    March 7, 2014 at 7:20 PM

    Sorry hadn't read this comment before replying to your previous one.

    Once you get your passport re-issued , they will return to you 2 passports -
    1) the current one which you have with a stamp of cancelled on the pages inside.
    2) A new passport freshly printed with all the details and fresh set of passports.

    You will be required to carry both the passports whenever you travel as your visa would be on the older one.

    From your comment, I understood you don't have a US ID? Please make sure you get that done on priority as once your passport is with them you will be ID less. Also its a good idea to have a US ID since you would not want to carry your passport around everywhere. You should get a state ID at your local DMV / BMV [the place where you get driving license]


  1. Gerard

    March 7, 2014 at 7:44 PM

    Hi Shaunak,

    Sorry for that, its just that I was already in the middle of completing this work but some of these confusing items were delaying me from sending my application. I'm still not done with it :(. In your blog you had mentioned that you also submitted the change in appearance form, so decided to clarify that as well ;)

    In the change in appearance affidavit, do I need to tick the applicable points (like 4 and 5 below) or just leave all those as is? For the “resident of” line do I put US address or India?

    I, ________________________________________________________Son/wife/daughter of
    _____________________________________, resident of __________________________________
    holder of passport no. _________________issued on ___________________at _________________
    hereby affirm and declare as under:-
    1. that I have taken off my turban
    2. that I have taken off my beard
    3. that my appearance has changed
    4. my present appearance is as under; and
    5. photograph on the passport and photograph pasted below are of one and the same person.

    Lastly, In my old passport my mother’s name was spelled incorrectly. I had the correction endorsed on the 3rd page of the passport.
    [Question]: Would they put the correct spelling on the new passport based on what I fill in the passport form or use the old PP data? Do I need to provide any proof for this or the endorsed page will serve as proof for the same?

    I know you may not be able to answer all the questions however I do appreciate all the help. :)

  1. Rajat

    March 8, 2014 at 6:25 PM

    yeah, it is for students. Anyways, called them up and they need the notarized copy and not original. Sent documents yesterday. Let's see.

  1. Shaunak Pandit

    March 10, 2014 at 11:31 AM

    Hey Gerard,

    No problem at all, was just explaining the delays in replying from my side. All cool :)

    - Change of appearance form - I had ticked the #3 and written my reason ahead of it.
    - Resident of - current address
    - Mothers name- I know for a fact that they send the computerized data back to India for printing of passport [as of Oct'13].I think they should be taking the details you provide to them in the application but you never know. Maybe you can enclose a separate letter mentioning them to put the correct name?
    I am not sure if they would require any proof for the correct name, but you might as well add if you have. I think its better to flood them with documents which might be required than have them put the proces on hold and ask you to ship them in between

    Do try to call them to get confirmation on the mother name concern. You can find their direct phone number in one of the replies I had given to a question

    Hope this helps :)


  1. Gopinath

    March 10, 2014 at 11:40 AM

    Hi Shunak,

    Its great information you have provided, really appreciate as it is understood you have spent so much time and effort on this. Time well spent.
    I have questions on the minor passport. Do you have a checklist of documents to be submitted for Minor passport less than 15 yrs? or is there a link to find the details?


  1. Nivedita

    March 10, 2014 at 3:53 PM

    Hey hi .., v r trying to renew passport
    If we are handing over the documents in hand i.e if we do this procedure by walkin process do we still have to give airway bill no.

  1. Ram

    March 10, 2014 at 11:34 PM

    thanks Rohit for ur comment in clearing my doubt. I need to fill the application form again with SINGLE status as u said there is nothing mentioned in the passport as single or married.
    i have filled entire application with SINGLE status and sending them tomorrow.

  1. Rimil

    March 11, 2014 at 8:54 PM

    Hello Shaunak,

    Thank you for the detail information on passport renewal process. This was really helpful. My application was returned as I was missing affidavit for change of signature. Would you know when I resend the application with missing document do I need to send another money order or check to BLS?

    Thank you

  1. anamika

    March 12, 2014 at 12:08 AM

    Hi Shaunak, Thanks a ton for writing this blog and clearing so many confusions. i just started filling out the application, i completed the order form, and i completed the online passport application, i saved it and now when iam trying o get the prints, it asks for web file number,i entered the temporay number , but its not accepting, i hope you can help even though i know its not the valid question ..:)

  1. Shaunak Pandit

    March 12, 2014 at 12:35 PM

    Hi Gopinath,

    No, am sorry don't have a checklist for fresh passports for minors.


  1. Shaunak Pandit

    March 12, 2014 at 12:40 PM

    Hi Nivedita,

    No, in case you plan to hand over the documents and pick them up personally you will not be required.


  1. Shaunak Pandit

    March 12, 2014 at 12:42 PM

    Hi Rimil,

    No you do not need to send another money order since they have requested for the additional documents at the 1st step itself. BLS checks the documents and once its correct they pass on to Consulate.
    Would recommend getting a confirmation from them once by calling on their number


  1. Shaunak Pandit

    March 12, 2014 at 12:50 PM

    Hey Anamika,

    You are welcome :) .

    When you say you saved it, do you mean you saved as draft? or do you mean you submitted it? b'coz the temporary number is usually given when we save it as draft but do not submit it. The web file number is the one which we get once we submit the form and its on the left top side of the passport application form.

    From what I understood, I guess you have the form in draft / save mode and trying to print. What you would need to do is submit it.

    Hope got your question right.


  1. Stephen

    March 15, 2014 at 2:41 PM

    Hi, could you reply on whether the Nationality verification form is not needed if the passport has not expired? thanks

  1. Shaunak Pandit

    March 17, 2014 at 1:52 PM

    Hi Stephen,

    I had sent the forms since it was confirmed to be mandatory by the BLS representative I talked with, while someone here had commented they submitted the application without those forms.
    I would recommend you make a judgement call based on the time you may have at hand to handle the to and fro if required and time at hand from receipt of the passport to travel time.



  1. Swati

    March 17, 2014 at 4:34 PM

    Thank you so much for taking the time to do this. It simplifies/clarifies so much !!

  1. Rani

    March 18, 2014 at 12:29 PM

    Hi shaunak,

    In my case the VISA on the passport has expired in nov 2013. I have the new 797 Approval notice

    My passport is getting expired on April 2014. It comes under Chicago jurisdiction.
    It is mentioned in the website that Chicago applicants have to visit the consulate if your visa has expired and/or or you have the receipt notice for extension of your visa then: WAS/ATL/HOU/CHI Jurisdiction Applicants - must visit the consulate in person for an interview before applying at the passport application center.

    I want to know if I have to go personally to chicago consulate for an interview or I can still send my passport through post to BLS office. If I have to go, is it possible that I can go for the interview and give the passport for extension in BLS on same day.

  1. Shubha

    March 18, 2014 at 9:42 PM


    My husband has Indian passport valid for 20 years. We are planning to go for Europe trip and we found out that Schengen visa do not accept 20 years passport. Is it possible to get a new 10 years passport now? As we have already booked the tickets to Europe, is it possible to get a Tatkal service ? What is the procedure for tatkal?
    We would appreciate your help in this regard.

    Thanks and regards,

  1. Saravanan

    March 19, 2014 at 11:06 AM

    Thanks for your detailed blog..My application for re-issue at DC center was received on 3/4/14 but the status still says waiting for document check...any experience how long will it take them at DC center?

  1. Indian83

    March 20, 2014 at 12:06 AM

    Hi Shaunak,

    I filled in the wrong entry date in the application form.Can i reapply this for using my same email id.

    Also item# 29- Do we have to sign this if we sign #26

  1. Shaunak Pandit

    March 21, 2014 at 9:45 AM

    Thank you Swati :) am glad it was helpful

  1. Shaunak Pandit

    March 21, 2014 at 9:46 AM

    Hi Rani,

    Sorry don't have any idea on this, I guess there were some who were in a similar condition and have commented here. Please check the same. My recommendation is call BLS to verify.


  1. Shaunak Pandit

    March 21, 2014 at 10:02 AM

    Hi Shubha,

    Yes you would be required to go in for a 10 year passport since schengen visa is provided only on 10 year passports since 2008 or 2010 I think.

    Tatkal can be requested by us as long as we provide the extra processing amount for it.I am not sure on the process but my guess is , it shouldn't be different from the normal process

    Check the following link for more details.


  1. Shaunak Pandit

    March 21, 2014 at 10:41 AM


    I think you can fill multiple application form as long as you include the correct one in your application.


  1. Chaitu

    March 21, 2014 at 2:09 PM

    Shaunak, You post was extermely helpful, thanks a ton!

    Do i need to include the cashier's cheque in the envelope? or just filling it on the BLS order form is enough?


  1. Shaunak Pandit

    March 21, 2014 at 2:16 PM

    Hi Saravanan,

    The process is as follows

    1) BLS checks the validity of the documents [if required docs are sent, notarization etc done]
    2) BLS sends the application to Consulate.
    3) Consulate processes the applications [details checking , printing etc]
    4) Consulate sends back to BLS
    5) BLS performs administrative tasks [records / status updates , dispatches via courier etc]

    #1 hardly takes 1/2 days tops, so I would recommend you calling them up and asking for actual status. BLS call centre [the number provided on their site] have same the same access as you and hence would tell you the same. Ask them to escalate your complaint to main BLS office. They have more details as those guys process the application and they should be able to tell you the exact status.

    For me it took around 40-45 days to get the passport back in hand, but from what I heard passports being received within 2 weeks.



  1. Ramu

    March 23, 2014 at 7:15 PM

    Thanks - this was very helpful. I can understand if Indian Govt is doing the whole process, and there is no much info. This is outsourced and they don't even have a such a detailed info is quite frustrating. Appreciate your work!

    I don't know why but I am worried to trust carriers with my passport, that I was always planning to go in person. Also, I assume I can not travel outside the country during the whole process.?

    Reg. the address, I am about to change my apartment in 3 months and I am not sure what I can do with printing the address on the passport for next 10 yrs which I know is not going to be valid. Any suggestion on how to get my Indian address printed with Indian address proof?

    Once again thanks for sharing.

  1. ankur

    March 24, 2014 at 7:13 AM

    I have applied for passport re-issue at Atlanta consulate and the application has been accepted by BLS. Any experience in how much time the passport is issued in Atlanta? I understand their website says 6-8 weeks processing time and I understand, they probably get passports printed in Delhi. I would like to know actual experience.

  1. Prashanth

    March 24, 2014 at 12:24 PM

    hi Shaunak,

    Just adding myself on to the list of folks grateful to your informative and detailed blog. Thanks a ton.
    I dropped my passport in person last week, and hope things go smooth from here on.

    Just wanted to add on the question of photographs/snaps/photos (adding keywords to help anyone searching on this specifically):-

    > We need exactly 4 passport size photographs. 1 to be pasted on the Application form. And the remaining three are for the three 'Nationality Identification form'.

    The BLS office in NYC is in midtown. A 5 minutes walk from the NY Penn station, so really convenient. The lady at the only counter that seemed to be functional was really helpful, well informed and resourceful. Each application was taking about 10 minutes on an average due to the single threaded processing - don't know if it was just my bad timing. But do plan accordingly. The appointment timing is just for booking a slot I guess - because, I went about 30 minutes prior, took a token and had to wait for about 45 minutes before my number was called.

    They do accept cash (when appearing in person). However I had taken a money order with me since I didn't find the option of 'cash' in the BLS order form, which thus unnecessarily costed me an addition $5 Bank fee. A cashier's cheque would have costed $10.

    So that is my little bit of input. Most of everything else is already included in this blog. BLS should perhaps publish this link on their website. ;)


  1. Ashok

    March 24, 2014 at 9:43 PM

    Thank you very much Shaunak. You are my life saver.

  1. Subha

    March 27, 2014 at 5:59 PM

    Hi Shaunak,

    Thank you for the detailed blog , I am planning to apply in person for the renewal in Houston. Can you please let me know whether we have to take notarized copy of the documents or the original is enough to go in person and also let me know the required documents

  1. Rajasekar

    March 28, 2014 at 11:31 AM

    i am in process of adding the spouse name in passport , BLS webiste mentioned , notarized marriage certificate required, yes i can do it. Notarized passport of wife is required,? , else i can keep the copy of the passport is enough. please confirm ASAP.

  1. Shaunak Pandit

    March 28, 2014 at 3:10 PM


    Thank you :)

    You will have to provide it in the envelope.

  1. Shaunak Pandit

    March 28, 2014 at 3:13 PM

    Hi Ramu,

    You are welcome am glad it helped :)

    Incase your older passport address is the one which you want to be printed on the new passport it wont be a problem since its already verified. There is a field for "address to be printed" : write your Indian address over there.

    UPS/ FedEx are good you wont have a problem, yes you won't be able to fly out of country as your passport would be with them.



  1. Shaunak Pandit

    March 28, 2014 at 3:13 PM

    Hi Ankur,

    No idea about Atlanta but now days people are getting their passports back within 2-3 weeks from Chicago consulate.



  1. Shaunak Pandit

    March 28, 2014 at 3:14 PM

    Thank you for the input Prashanth

  1. Shaunak Pandit

    March 28, 2014 at 3:14 PM

    Lol :) you are welcome Ashok. Glad it helped.


  1. Shaunak Pandit

    March 28, 2014 at 3:15 PM

    Hi Subha,

    The list of documents required are provided in the blog post, please go through the link provided in there.

    I am not sure sure if the documents would be different if applied in person.


  1. Rajasekar

    March 28, 2014 at 3:28 PM

    Forgot to add , my life is in india. iam renewing the 10 years old passport / adding the spouse name

  1. Amit

    March 29, 2014 at 1:07 AM

    Hi Shaunak,

    I had sent my passport to BLS Atlanta office for renew passport around 10 days back.

    Fed ex had delivered next day to BLS office. But I have not heard back anything from them ..No record found on the tracking application is coming. also they have not contacted me so far...

    Do you know how long it takes to get status update on bls website,.? and how long I have to wait to get ay answer from them.


  1. Harini

    March 31, 2014 at 12:58 PM

    Hey I had completed my BLS order form for walk-in and then i have scheduled appointment for April 21st. How frequently dates are available for rescheduling.. Now i am planning to post the documents so can i fill another BLS order form??

  1. Shail

    March 31, 2014 at 4:07 PM

    Hi Rani,

    Could you please let me know whether it is mandatory to visit consulate in this situation? I'm in the same boat and deciding whether to travel to Chicago or not.


  1. Ravi

    March 31, 2014 at 7:01 PM

    I had applied for my wife's passport extension thru BLS - NY branch. Got the below steps and no progress after that. May I know how long will take to get the passport?

    Appliication Processed on Date : 21-03-2014
    Application Processed and submitted to Consulate : 25-03-2014 , 16:16

  1. Jesc

    March 31, 2014 at 7:43 PM

    ( Money order / Cashier Cheque Details )
    Money Order / Cashier Cheque should be

    Whats the amount ?
    I see there is breakup.
    Passport Service Fee: USD 75.00
    ICWF: USD 3.00
    BLS Service Fee: USD 13.20

    There is separate link for paying for fedex charges.

  1. Divyendu

    April 2, 2014 at 11:48 AM

    This page is very informative. Thanks for compiling all the steps together.

    Couple of Questions -
    1. Address to be printed - If I give Indian Address which is different from current Indian address printed on my passport. Will it be ok?

    2. Two Contacts/Reference - Should these 2 refrences present in India/USA or anywhere?


  1. Jose Cyriac

    April 2, 2014 at 3:57 PM

    I have sent my passport to BLS New York for renewal on 03/25. Yesterday, they replied back telling that my passport is damaged. There was no problem with the passport and they are telling it is damaged and i need pay another $ 166.20 and a bunch notarized along with more photos. I dont understand this bull shit. Is this another way for this agency to loot more money from the applicants ? and my friend advised me that it is not worth going there on a week day. it is a 2 hr drive to NY from my place, so i decided to send it by post.

  1. Sid S

    April 2, 2014 at 4:37 PM

    nice blog. I received my passport in 20 days. chicago embassy

  1. Raj

    April 2, 2014 at 5:21 PM

    Hi Shuanak,

    Your post is really very helpful. I am also having the same problem with the Nationality verification form, I have been trying downloading the form from 3 weeks now and from different systems, but still the photo box displays in the right side, and the lines for full name and aliases are not placed properly and cannot be deleted also, can you please kindly post a copy of the document if you have saved it earlier.

    Thanks in advance.

  1. RD

    April 3, 2014 at 9:23 PM

    Hi Shiva,

    We are in similar situation.Can you please update us what happened in your case ? Your 1797/I94 worked or you used No status Affidavit.


  1. Shaunak Pandit

    April 3, 2014 at 9:35 PM

    Hi Ravi,

    These days its taking close to 2 weeks from what I heard


  1. Shaunak Pandit

    April 3, 2014 at 9:37 PM

    Hi Jesc,

    It would be the total of those amount.


  1. Shaunak Pandit

    April 3, 2014 at 9:39 PM

    Hi Divyendu,

    #1 No, if the address is different from the one already printed on your passport, they will do a police verification and since for police verification the person needs to be present in person, it wont help your case.

    #2 I had given references in India



  1. Shaunak Pandit

    April 3, 2014 at 9:43 PM

    Hi Jose,

    In my case BLS didn't have a clue where my passport was.After visiting Chicago office 2 days in a row and complaining for a whole day and talking to the big wig in Consulate they made BLS go back and search their office in front of me. BLS showed me a CCTV footage of some random person dropping an envelope in the mail box in their building and claimed that was mine. Point of telling you this story is you can see how irresponsible they are.

    Try talking to them and clarifying how it was sent in a proper condition.

    Hope it works out for you.


  1. Shaunak Pandit

    April 3, 2014 at 9:44 PM

    Thank you for the comment, it will help people get an idea about the time taken these days.

  1. Shaunak Pandit

    April 3, 2014 at 9:51 PM

    Hi Raj,

    Sure I can provide the form to you , but please note I have the one from Oct'13 and there is no way I can be sure its the same one in use right now.

    Can you message me your email add using my linkedin button on the page? I will send you the doc.



  1. Kumar

    April 4, 2014 at 4:13 PM

    Hi Shaunak,

    your inputs are much appreciated!!

    I have a question

    I am going to write my current US address in "Address to be printed" section but in "other address" section, I am going to write my permanent address but this is not same as my old passport. Do I need to give proof for other address?

  1. Divyendu

    April 4, 2014 at 4:17 PM

    Thanks for your response Shaunak.

    I called BLS helpline for point#1 -

    1. I can get Indian address which is different from current address printed on my passport printed on my new passport. For doing so, I need to provide address proof for new address like utility bills, spouse passport (if she has new address printed).

    But I am confused now because if police verification is going to happen then response from helpline doesnt hold good.

  1. Sowmya

    April 5, 2014 at 9:33 AM

    Thank you for the details, I ve been really lucky got mine in a week. But I went in person to submit and collect. Treat!!

  1. Rani

    April 6, 2014 at 12:01 AM


    I visited the BlS office last week before going there I went to the consulate but the consulate officer said that since we had an approved I-797 we could directly submit the application in BLS. We immediately went to BLS and submitted the application and in less than a week I already got an email saying that the passport is dispatched

  1. Prem

    April 6, 2014 at 12:11 AM


    FYI -

    I have sent my application and required docs to Washington DC center on 11 th of march thru USPS overnight. it has reached there by 12th march noon with signature confirmation. BLS site updated with "application received & checking documentation" status only after 4 days. There was no status change till 25th of March. after that here is the status for understanding the timelines.

    Application accepted by BLS: 25-03-2014 , 12:57
    Appliication Processed on Date :26-03-2014
    Application Processed and submitted to Embassy : 26-03-2014 , 14:03
    Passport received at BLS Center : 03-04-2014 , 16:42
    Passport handed over to Applicant : -
    Passport Dispatched to Applicant :04-04-2014 , 09:19

    Good Luck people !! :)

  1. Akhil S

    April 6, 2014 at 3:23 AM

    Thanks a lot Shaunak, your instructions were really helpful , I got my passport from San Francisco in about 20 days.

  1. Gerard

    April 7, 2014 at 1:45 AM

    Hi Shaunak,

    I received my renewed passport and wanted to share my experience:

    Mailed the application on 3/12 and it reached BLS on 3/14.
    Application accepted by BLS:21-03-2014 , 09:33
    Appliication Processed on Date : 21-03-2014
    Application Processed and submitted to Consulate : 25-03-2014 , 10:20
    Passport received at BLS Center : 27-03-2014 , 12:04
    Passport handed over to Applicant : -
    Passport Dispatched to Applicant :27-03-2014 , 12:04
    I received my new passport on 3/31.

    Regarding my mothers name spelling correction. While applying for renewal I was concerned how BLS would put the name. To my surprise they put the correct spelling as filled in the appln form. I did not provide any additional proof or request for changes. In change in appearance affidavit, I ticked option #5. I also included the postal appln form (not listed in checklist). The extra photos that I had sent were returned back to me along with the old PP.


  1. sushma

    April 7, 2014 at 4:16 PM


    The application status shows as :

    Application accepted by BLS : 2014-04-04
    Current Aplication Status : Pending

    From the above details I understand that I need to fill in another application but I do not understand how to send the new application.Do I need to send it again with all the documents and fee ?Do I need to create new BLS order form/airway bill as well?

    Nothing much details are provided how to proceed further.

    Kindly advise.


  1. Ashraf

    April 7, 2014 at 4:28 PM

    Shaunak, your post was very helpful, thanks a lot for putting this together,

    I got my passport re-issued in 3 weeks from DC center.

    One thing I would like to mention is about address to be printed on passport. Even if you provide Indian address, your US address gets printed.

  1. Jose Cyriac

    April 7, 2014 at 9:26 PM

    I got my passport back last week (without renewing it). now they need 8 nationality verification forms and affidavit for damaged passport. I sent a mail to them asking the reason for considering the passport as damaged, they told they will check it and reply back i know there is no use..eventually i have to send it again. Good thing, they sent the certified check back :), i thought they will take it. and i was going through the Yelp reviews of BLS NY and California. Looks all the americans are having a horrible time with BLS :), some of those guys even had to reapply for their US passprt (for lost passport) due to BLS..LOL

  1. Sindhu

    April 8, 2014 at 3:59 PM

    Hey Shaunak, Thanks a ton for tis wonderful blog. Much appreciative work. I mailed my passport for renewal on 04/03/2014 via USPS. I tracked and found that it was delivered the next day at NY BLS office. I tried to track my status of the application at the BLS international site but it shows "No Record Found". I tried it with the various options of search like searching with passport number and Order form Number. I'm afraid since it has been more than 4 days and still no status on the site. Pls advice me if this is wat the process is or should i need to call them?

  1. Shaunak Pandit

    April 9, 2014 at 4:09 PM

    Hey Gerard,

    Thats good to know ! Thanks for the comment, it will surely help others in similar situation.


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